Generating awareness about transgender children through communication, teaching equality and compassion!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dr. Sears on CNN

In a panel discussion on CNN yesterday, a medical doctor. Dr. Jim Sears, not only showed his trans-phobic beliefs, but also made comments on transgender females regarding genitalia in the restrooms. He warned others that the tans girl, Coy Mathis, would expose her genitals to others in the restroom. Our question to him is, how many people did he show his genitals to in the bathroom when he was six? He went on to comment on how Coy should get therapy, which had already been addressed. We would like Dr. Sears to weigh in on what a psychologist is, because Coy's parents have her seeing one, along with a (much more informed) medical doctor. In another unintelligent comment from Dr. Sears, who touts his medical expertise, was that when Coy reaches puberty and still "feels" like a girls, "he" can go on hormones. We give Dr. Sears a huge face-palm and a lowered head shake. Dr. Sears, why do you not recognized that Coy is a she, not a he, and when she reaches puberty she will have the option if she so desires and only with her permission,  along with the consent of her well informed parents and with her doctors' supervision, to go on puberty blockers--which are not permanent. Go back to the books mister medical practitioner.

Since the live interview with the Mathises on Thursday morning 2/28/13, CNN has repeated the false and misinformed statement that the law in Colorado that Coy's family are defending does not state anything about restrooms. It in fact does: CADA

Here is an article on the panel discussion. While the comments seem to be VERY supportive of Coy and her family, Dr. Sears' ignorant bigotry is very unfortunate.

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